Crystal Madrilejos

Design & Creative

The yes, have some. presents Toby Goodshank line of goods if finally up for sale on our etsy shop. We put things up first thing this morning and we’ve already got a couple takers. Thank you to everyone who checked out the stuff. It’s been a long time coming and we couldn’t be happier.

Tonight I’m putting together little mailing kits that will go out with each purchase. We have been wanting to do this for awhile, but lack of time had been holding us back. Now we have yes, have some. postcards and stickers. I’d like to eventually have them printed up nicely on a nice printer, or even get them done somewhere if funds permit. But for the time being we’re settling on printing things from our inkjet, which seems to work pretty well. It would be nice if we could silkscreen them, but screenprinting in our apartment has become somewhat contentious. The frustrations seem to run too high whenever we try to screenprint these days and it doesn’t seem worth the bad vibes. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get back to it…someday.

I have to get to cutting stickers, but tomorrow I plan on posting about a zine that I had been working on for the past couple months. I realized the other day that I had never even mentioned it, and I have no idea why!! It put out by Olive Juice Music and I’m very happy with how it turned out. So tomorrow!




Things are finally slowing down at work which means more time devoted to other non-work related things. Today I added labels to most of the previous posts so now you can view them by category. If you check out the sidebar, there should be list of categories to choose from. If people are just hearing about the Toby Goodshank line, they can just click on the category for “YHS presents: Toby Goodshank” and get the full process from start to finish.

Also, I added more links to our “Friends” section, which is now called “Friends, Websites, and Blogs We Love”. There are so many sites that I visit everyday that are very inspiring, so I figured I should share them so they can continue to inspire other people as well.

Have I ever mentioned that Andrew is a whiz in the kitchen? I’ve been trying to get him to post about all the wonderful things he makes, but for some reason he has yet to venture forth. I’ve been itching to make a cookbook for him with all his recipes! Here is a photo of him making strawberry jam, that makes me extremely happy.

Hope you are well!

I hope everyone had a swell Halloween. We had a great time at the Dream Bitches CD release party. Our costumes went over great and it was all around fun for everyone.

The official date of the release of the yes, have some – Toby Goodshank line of goods has been set. We will be selling the things starting November 5th through our etsy shop which you can go to through either the link in the sidebar to the right, or directly through here is the announcement if anyone wants to post it anywhere, feel free. We are so excited about this project and looking forward to doing many more collaborations in the future. Enjoy!


Today we head back to Ohio for our monthly visit! I thought I’d post with some news before we took off for a long weekend.

1. Another Lil’ Johnny Muttoncakes is almost complete. I just have to close him up and he’s good to go. I’ve been wanting to silkscreen the tags, but our printing process of late seems to be one obstacle after another. We’ve been having a helluva time getting the screens clean after printing, which I keep hearing is a pretty common problem. Andrew is almost to the point of throwing his hands up with the whole thing!

2. We had our little meeting at Exit9. The buyers weren’t there but one of the owners looked at our stuff to get a feel for what we do. She seemed very optimistic about things, so we’re going to forge ahead with our stuff and just keep trying to improve things until our next meeting after Labor Day. I’ve been working on new straps for some of our tote bags which I’ll post pictures of soon.

Have a great weekend!



Lil’ Johnny

We’ve been pretty productive with lots of deadlines on the horizon and new projects cropping up left and right. I thought I’d give you a look at the new character in the Toby Goodshank line. May I introduce Lil’ Johnny Muttoncakes! He turned out better than I expected!

Tomorrow we’re meeting up with the lovely folk at Exit9 here in NYC to see if they might like to carry some of our goods. They had asked to see our stuff after they saw our Lion tote that our friend Nan had bought. We’ve been going back and forth with them for awhile now, but our schedules have never been in sync until now. I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t want to jinx it, but I’m so excited that I thought I should share it. We’ve been working on stuff to show them, but I haven’t had time to take pictures of anything. I’m crossing my fingers that they will like the stuff we made. You should check out their site (or if you’re in the area, check out their store!) You can order online as well. They have wonderful and amazing stuff! Some of my personal favorites are:

Dart Coat Hooks (Original design by Anthony Chrisp)

Mushroom Kitchen Timer

Vestal Dolby Watch

Sharan Camera

Yoshitomo Nara Postcards


Yessss! The emails subscriptions are back up. And they we’re REALLY backed up. If you have a subscription, you probably got an email with the last 5 or so posts. Now you’re all up to date.

Here are the images I wasn’t able to post the other day. These are our in process images of the 2nd run of Toby prints. The set up isn’t ideal, but it’s a million times better than what we had before.

I spoke to Toby today and hopefully this weekend we’ll have all the prints done and ready for signing.

These are the two completed Mandor dolls complete with summer shorts. These proved to be a lot more difficult than I thought they were going to be, but I made it through and I think they turned out pretty good considering I know nothing about sewing.

And lastly, this is a bunny that has been in the works for a little while. I just could never get around to close him up. I followed a pattern out of a Japanese craft book. Japanese craft books have some of the most amazing things, unfortunately they are in Japanese and I can’t read a lick of it. I stumble my way through and maybe that’s why his head looks like he’s looking up to the sky, which it’s not supposed to do. It’s charming in it’s own confused sort of way. The little knit ram next to him was a present I got for Andrew while I was in France. To the very far right, getting cut out of the picture, is a the prototype for Little Johnny Muttoncakes. The next in line for the Toby Goodshank stuffed dolls.

I forgot to bring my camera to work today so I can’t upload the photos that I took this weekend of the stuff that we did.

1. It turns out yes, have some. has a side gig that involves 2 things I love! Buying stuff and vintage clothing. I mentioned a couple posts back that I had an appointment with a vintage store owner in Brooklyn to sell some clothing that we picked up last time we were in Ohio. This meeting was sort of a gauge to see if this whole venture would even be worth it and fortunately the meeting went pretty well. I know little about fashion, but I’m learning. I do know about what I like and what I think looks good, so I at least have that going for me. Between what we sold to the vintage store, both Beacon’s Closet, and Buffalo Exchange we made a good chunk of change that will at least pay for our monthly trips home, with some to spare!

2. We finished another run of lamb prints for Toby Goodshank and a run of a different print. We have two more prints to run and some labels for the dolls. We’re making headway and I plan on making some little announcements for the online release date sometime in the near future.

3. One side of the Medicine Man CD cases is printed, but we ran into some problems with this one. The cases are glossy which we weren’t really prepared for, but they still look great. We had quite an assembly line going. Doing 100 prints at home isn’t necessarily difficult, but the main obstacle is trying to find enough places for these things to dry! We were surrounded!

I’ll do another post later with photos.


A Toby Goodshank Line update! Haven’t had one of those in awhile. Things are still moving along as slow as ever, but I did manage to finish one (rough) stuffed Mandor. I totally over-estimated my sewing skills, but they are sort of charming in their handmade sort of way. The tags have yet to be printed, and there is another Mandor doll almost done. He’s not as good looking as the first one, but they are pretty similar.

Also, one run of limited edition prints are almost completely done. Here are some shots of the prints, which I hope to get signed and numbered.

What prompted this burst of productivity? you ask, well we’ve signed up to silkscreen 100 cd covers for local NYC musician The Medicine Man, which have to be done by the end of the month. The Toby prints have been sitting in our screens for a little while now, and now we need the screens to print the cds so we’ve sort of been forced to forge ahead with the supplies we have instead of buying new screens. I’m hoping to set a deadline for the Toby stuff relatively soon. I’m shooting for the beginning of September, but i’ll keep you posted.

We’re heading to Ohio for the weekend to visit the families. While we’re there we’ll be hitting up the thrift stores for more wares to sell on Etsy (which is going pretty slow lately….sigh..) but also i’ll be on the lookout for some vintage clothing. There is an amazing vintage clothing shop near where we live in Brooklyn called Olive’s Very Vintage. I stopped in the other day and spoke with the lovely and beautiful owner/buyer Jen, and asked if she needed anyone to travel to the midwest and buy stuff for her store. She was very nice and made a list of things I should keep my eye out for.

This is something i’ve always wanted to do. We go back to Ohio ALL THE TIME and I always find so many awesome things that
1.) don’t fit me
2.) are super cute but not my style
3.) I can’t justify buying because I have way too many clothes and shoes and way too small apartment (and closet) and between Andrew and I, our clothing cannot be contained.
Selling the clothing on Etsy or Ebay is always an option, but there is just something too wonderful about going into an actual vintage clothing store and looking at the stuff in person.

Wish me luck!



Summer Daze

Summer is in full effect. Today is a scorcher with a predicted high of 90 degrees! Holy hell! The heat has forced me to wear the flip flops today, which i’m not a huge fan of. My feet aren’t super duper busted, but I still don’t like to look at them if I can help it. With the onset of summer comes the onset of the not-wanting-to-do-anything-but-lounge-and-be-outside-whenever possible mindset, and not-in-front-of-the-computer-if-I-can-help-it mode. I’m not going to outright say this is the reason for not posting in so long, but I may allude to that.

Anyway, Etsy stuff is selling. A little slower than I had expected, but a few items have gone since we last updated. The nested bowls were sold to a very lovely lady in Texas. She said they were very special to her and she was so happy when she received them. As for our own stuff, Andrew made another duffel. After much cursing and sweating, I made a little lined zipper pouch.

One Mandor is done, but i’m not really happy with him. His arms came out too skinny and he looks generally, rough! I sewed most of that one on the machine, but it’s really hard to control when you’re working with such small pieces. I don’t know why I was avoiding hand sewing like the plague, but the one i’m workin on now has been mostly hand sewn. Now i’m also realizing that I probably should be using different material. Back to square one, dang.

Andrew started making these bracelet thingies too. I’ll post pictures when I get a chance.



Etsy Update

Finally! All the new goods have been posted to our Etsy shop. Check them out. There are a lot of great things that I wish we could keep, unfortunately our apartment is about 2 feet by 2 feet. So the next best thing is knowing that someone else is putting them to good use.

As for the Toby Goodshank line. Dang, it’s taking long. But here is a sneak peek of one of the bags that will be sold in the Toby Goodshank line, if you weren’t already stoked enough:

the fabric pattern was designed and drawn by Toby and we silkscreened the fabric. also, the bag itself was designed and sewn here at yes, have some. I know I keep saying this, but keep your eyes out for these. I promise, the wait will be well worth it.
