Crystal Madrilejos

Design & Creative

Hello! As you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t been posting that often as of late. Or maybe you haven’t noticed because you gave up on this here old blog. Ha! Either way. I don’t like to blog unless I actually have something good to post. I’m sure most of you aren’t coming here to read about the mundane details of my life. Like the fact that I WISH I had some dental floss on me right now.

But anyway, one thing that I really did want to post about was the fact that I finally jumped on the bandwagon and got a Pinterest account! Some of you may be familiar with it, some of you not. From their site:

“Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.”

Basically.  It’s really great and fun and slightly addicting. Now I don’t have random folders on my computer desktop labeled “I want” or “fun stuff.” Enough of that! If you want to follow me and see the things that I find, please do by clicking that button below.

Follow Me on Pinterest

There are too many awesome things out there! And if you were wondering about the “why’s” and the “how’s” of Pinterest. The lovely ladies over at Braid Creative have made a fun little video about just those things.

How To Pinterest from Braid Creative on Vimeo.

Let me know if you have an account so I can check YOU out!



“Read more”

So, I just spent many minutes trying to figure out, in Blogger, how to have a post with a jump page so the post isn’t so long. However, I was unsuccessful. My brain hurts and I’m tired so if anyone knows how to do this and can help me, please, feel free!


"Read more"

So, I just spent many minutes trying to figure out, in Blogger, how to have a post with a jump page so the post isn’t so long. However, I was unsuccessful. My brain hurts and I’m tired so if anyone knows how to do this and can help me, please, feel free!



I realized that I never posted about Pastel Stories. This is the website of the creator of The Submachine Series and Daymare Town.These are two of my favorite flash point-and-click adventure games. Absolutely amazing. The graphics are out of this world and the stories will have you completely addicted. If you’ve never delved into the world of adventure/escape games, these are a good place to start.

According to the site, The Submachine Series is described asan ongoing series of point and click flash games. It’s all about puzzle solving and escaping from closed installations of the submerged machines (hence the title sub-machines). With each game You explore deeper into the dark world of the submachines.” I highly recommend it.

On a completly different note, last week Andrew and I were on our way to dinner and I asked him when he was going to get around to posting on this thing. We sort of came to the conclusion that he may never grace you all with his written presence and I think it’s a shame because I know he has a lot of wonderful and thoughtful things going on in his life and in his mind. For now, he will remain the elusive character that I will continue reference in my posts. He’s always been sort of a mystery, even to me and I’m pretty sure I know him better than anyone.

So, speaking of Andrew. Yesterday, I had to break smelling salts under his nose while my dad was cutting open Andrew’s foot in an impromptu foot procedure! This was totally unexpected on mine and Andrew’s part (the smelling salts and the foot precedure.) I’ve never had to do that before, and the really weird thing is that 10 minutes before I administered the smelling salts, Andrew and I were wondering what it smelled like. It’s got kick, for sure!

xo Crystal



If you’ve been trying to view our site lately, you probably noticed that it was re-directing you to a page saying we haven’t uploaded any content. Turns out that I needed to renew our domain name, which ended up being a week-long, super frustrating process. A number of times, I felt like ripping my hair out, screaming, and crying out “Why is this happening to me?!” But it’s all figured out and we’re back up.

Today I’ve been uploading like crazy to Flickr. Now that there video uploading capabilities, I’ve added a year worth of videos, that i’m sure no one but my family cares to see. Along with about a million photos of my family.

Above is a little sampler of photos from our wedding. Our photographer, Lauren Crew, is amazingly talented!!! Check out her site here.