I’ve mentioned the website Design*Sponge before, but just in case you didn’t read that post here’s a general rundown. It’s an amazing website/blog/design reference/good read run by Grace Bonney. This is the about, straight from her site:
“design*sponge is a daily website dedicated to home and product design run by Brooklyn-based writer, Grace Bonney. Launched in August of 2004, Design*Sponge features store and product reviews, sale and contest announcements, new designer profiles, trend forecasting and store/studio tours. In addition, Design*Sponge features a unique section dedicated to covering student design, national and international design shows. The site is updated constantly throughout the day (with an average of 6-10 posts a day), and attracts a core group of devoted readers. Design*Sponge currently has over 20,000 daily readers.”
I’ve been a devoted reader for a couple years now. This site was one of the original sites I started visiting on the regular (what i like to call “the rounds,”) and was also one of my main inspirations for starting a blog before I had even really grasped the enormity of the blogosphere.
About a month ago, Grace did a post asking for advice on her kitchen. I was a little late, but I sent her an email anyway with links to our kitchen because we had a similar color scheme, a bright green being the main highlight. She got back to me and I was more than ecstatic when she asked if she could share it with her readers. You can see the real post here. It’s totally rad to be included among all the amazing things Grace posts about. Thanks Grace!
I had mentioned this before, but i’ll mention again that I’m planning on posting pictures of the ongoing project that is our apartment.