A couple weeks ago we finally got around to digging out the potato bin that we had filled with all the extra potato plantings that wouldn’t fit into the garden proper. We were unsure of how this was going to turn out because:
1.) we had never done this before
2.) we started building up the soil too late
3.) the bin required so much dirt that we got overwhelmed and gave up on building it up
4.) the number of potato plants in the bin way exceeded the number it should hold, we just didn’t want to waste the seed potatoes
Due to the overcrowding, we figured that we would either end up with 300lbs. of potatoes, no potatoes, a bunch of tiny potatoes, or one obscenely large square shaped potato. We ended up with a good haul of small to medium sized potatoes, but not nearly 300lbs worth. I think next year we will do the same thing but with less plants to give them some room to do their thing.

Andrew’s Aunt Jane, who lives in Denmark, sent us these Potato Gloves that are meant for cleaning potatoes. They work great! And they are surprisingly similar to the bath gloves I use when I take a shower.
