Remember this sweater I made when I was pregnant? Quil wore it on his first outing to his Lolo and Lola’s for his Cousin Layla’s 1st birthday party.
He was so tiny!
Remember this sweater I made when I was pregnant? Quil wore it on his first outing to his Lolo and Lola’s for his Cousin Layla’s 1st birthday party.
He was so tiny!
Quil is approaching 8 months-old! I can’t believe how fast these past months have gone. I looked back at the pictures we’ve taken of him and realize there are so many baby projects that we never revisited after Q was born.
The co-sleeper is still attached to our bed and now that Q is sleeping in his crib (another project we never posted about!) I’ve gone back to using the co-sleeper as my nightstand. He slept in the co-sleeper for about two months before he grew out of it. One thing we learned—the wool side extenders weren’t necessary. They looked nice, but we ended up taking them out. He moved so little at that age and the co-sleeper was so close to the wall, there really wasn’t any possibility of him rolling out.
Here he is being cute! He slept on a Sassy Vented Sleeper Wedge (which I hear now is a no-no!) because he had reflux and having him on a incline helped.
I’m super excited to share a new project! At work, I’ve been fortunate to collaborate on the redesign of EcoWatch Journal.
EcoWatch is an Ohio based non-profit organization that focuses on sustainable lifestyle, business practices and policies. EcoWatch Journal is published bi-monthly and distributed throughout Ohio.
Stefanie Penn-Spear is the Executive Director and has been handling the unbelievable task of directing and designing EcoWatch Journal in the past. With the fifth anniversary of EcoWatch on the horizon, Wise Group decided to help Stefanie out and give the Journal a new look. Here is fully redesigned cover:
Click here to read a digital version of the current issue or to see previous issues.
…water plants.
Years ago, I saw in an old issue of Martha Stewart Living pictures of water plants being grown in glass jars indoors. I loved the way these looked and decided to use this idea when we were planning Q’s nursery.
We had a bunch of old jars left over from our wedding decorations so I used these as containers. Using monofiliament tied in macrame knots, I then hung them from hooks in the window of Q’s room.
At first, I didn’t know where to get water plants so I just took clipping from plants that I had around the house. They would root in the water, and live for a little while before getting all goopy and gross with algae. I got recommendations from a few people who had ponds and they said to check out Hill Haven. This place is wonderful. The woman who worked there was extremely helpful and I ended up getting a number of different plants including Temple Plants, Taro (Black Magic), Parrots Feather, Water Lettuce, Duckweed, Azolla, and Salvinia.
I mentioned this little project of ours a little while back. Now that football season is in full swing, I thought it would be appropriate to share our new site. Andrew had the idea for these shirts a long time ago but we never had the means to have them made. While we were living in NYC, we screen printed some prototypes ourselves which worked well enough to print a few. Finally, we had shirts professionally printed and they are available here. Women’s sizes are currently being printed and will be up for sale soon!
We’ve been having a few days of fall-like temperatures around here, and it hit me how fast this summer went. The garden is still doing its thing and we still have green beans, soy beans, butternut squash, carrots and potatoes to harvest. There are some straggler tomatoes and peppers out there but those are about done. We’re thinking of trying to grow lettuce indoors during the winter. Anyone have any luck doing this?
Here are some photos of this year’s bounty: