
My Auntie Vita taught me how to crochet a few years ago, and I am eternally grateful. She has been crocheting since she was in grade school and she is now 70+ years old which has resulted in the most beautiful and even stitches I’ve ever seen! It is truly amazing and I aspire to be that good someday.
Recently, I started a new project which is the first I’ve crocheted in a really really long time. Pictured above is my progress, but man, has it been frustrating. I seem to have briefly forgotten how to end rows which resulted in crazy uneven edges. Luckily, the project i’m working will require that the ends be folded over and sewn. I even undid the stitching more than once to attempt to fix my errors. It got to the point where every time Andrew would see me undoing all my work, he would have to look away because it frustrated him. Finally, I think I’m on the right track. I just don’t have it in me to start over again, but i think it will still turn out ok. If anyone was wondering, the yarn I’m using is Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Naturals.
mushroommeadows - November 10, 2007 1:50 am
I think it looks lovely! I wish I could crochet. :(
Andrew & Crystal - November 10, 2007 7:10 am
you can! it’s definitely harder to learn on your own, than having someone show you how (in my opinion). but with a book with good instructions and some patience, you could learn how. if you follow this link:
you can find little quick time videos of basic crochet stitches, which i find helpful.